If you browsed my site at all over the last couple years, you probably noticed this widgety thing on my homepage:


Which is a progress bar to indicate my current writing project and how far along I am on it.

Also, you might now notice that it’s not there on the homepage.

If you did notice these things, you might be all like, “OMG! Where did it go?”

I’m here to tell you everything is okay. I know change is scary, but we’ll get through this.

I removed the progress bar for a couple reasons:

  • It was a pain in the ass to update, and I often found myself lagging, and not updating it faithfully
  • It was often not accurate. Often my projects overlap, and I might be working on the first draft of a project while a different project is between the second and third draft, yadda yadda yadda.

So, here’s what’s going to happen:

Instead of using this progress bar to explain what project I’m working on, I’m just going to post updates on this blog and on my Facebook Author Page.

If you want to get the newest news, join my mailing list. They get to know everything first, plus they get free books and other stuff. But, if you’d rather not do that, and only want to subscribe to this blog, pop your email address below, and all will be right with the world:


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